Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Project 3a: Selection Mania

Try and duplicate the selection outline and then fill it in (Edit > Fill) with a color (any visable color) and post on your blog.

This is a 5 step process:
  1. Create a new document (File > New)
  2. Set the size to 8in X 8in @ 72dpi and white background
  3. Define your entire selection area
  4. Fill the defined area with a color (any visible color)
  5. Save as jpeg and upload to your blog with comments
Points will be subtracted for cheating (yes, I can tell).
You cannot:
  1. Use Layers
  2. Select and fill an area more than once
  3. Select and delete an area to drop out the color inside an area
  • Add to your selection by holding down the shift key
  • Subtract from your selection using the ALT key (option on the Mac)
If you have problems, post early and I will help.

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