Monday, February 2, 2009

Project 2: Adjustments and Color

Color Adjustment
Often we are faced with a less than perfect image, where it becomes our job, as digital image editors, to right the wrongs of poor lighting, uneven exposure, and substandard equipment to name a few. We are given the impossible with expectations of turning it into the possible, or at least our best attempt at the most probable. This project presents just one of those cases.

Here we have an original image of a colorful retro styled hotel room that has lost its life and dazzle due to an extreme temperature shift in the white balance and exposure of the image. I am referring to the Kelvin temperature in relation to Photography. Our question, when analyzing the image is whether or not it is possible or even probable to reclaim the spark of true color through the magic of Photoshop? That is the question and this week's assignment; to explore the possibilities embedded in the adjustment tools to bring this photograph back to life.

Below you see the original image, the target adjustment, and my best attempt using only the adjustment tools found under the Image > Adjustments menu list.

Original Image

Target Image

Best Adjustment (so far..)

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