Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Project 3b: Doing the PS-CS3 dance

Using either of the old B&W dance images (posted on the right under Project Files) as a base, take a personal head shot of yourself (in the appropriate position) and superimpose it on the base image of one of our dancers. Be thoughtful of lighting and expression to make the transition as realistic as possible.

You may also choose a base image of your own, but appropriateness and good taste will need to be thought out and applied. I am interested in the display of quality and skill more than humor or personal statement.

Steps for success
  1. Choose an appropriate base image
  2. Obtain a quality head-shot of yourself using a camera or other means (existing photo acceptable if it fits the pose).
  3. Select your head from one image
  4. Transfer your head to the base image
  5. Adjust and flatten the image (Layer > Flatten)
  6. Save as jpeg
  7. Upload to blog with comments (2 original images and compostite)

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