Friday, April 24, 2009

Final Exam Project

Create an instructional tutorial that includes at least 2 functions of Photoshop CS3. Examples could include, but do not have to include items in the list below. Create a tutorial relating to things you have learned in the course, and teach other students how to learn things like the following

  • Layer Masks
  • Line Art Selection
  • Color Correction Techniques
  • Layer Adjustments
  • Quick Mask
  • Channel Selections

The tutorial can include blog posts, youTube videos (less than 5 min in length), handouts, illustrations, images, etc. DO NOT CREATE 2 SEPARATE TUTORIALS. This is to be one tutorial that explains all the steps and will include at least 2 Photoshop CS3 functions that create a desired image result. I will be grading on clarity of instruction and the steps to produce the desired effect along with what a student would learn from the tutorial and why this tutorial is useful for that purpose. Post your tutorial to your blog (or a link to your outside instructional material) by April 30th 11:59pm - no later. When posting your tutorial, include the Tutorial title, a brief description of what the student will learn by completing the exercise and any useful introductory information.

Example Post to Blog:

Working With Quick Masks
This tutorial will go through the necessary steps to teach you how to create a quick mask for use in selecting portions of an image. The student will find examples on how to build a library of selections by saving these selections as alpha channels.

(Tutorial or links begin here)

1 comment:

  1. John,

    I have sent you an email from my hotmail account with a link to my blog with my final project. When I try to send you an email with my uas student account I get an SMTP error.

    Here is a link to my blog:

